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Create a survey
Create a survey
Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over a year ago

Regardless of whether you want to understand your customers, employees or gain clarity, surveys help you collect the information in one place. Best of all, you have templates (such as the NPS) ready to use and collect responses.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you start to create an survey.

  • Your subscription must have the plan standard to access and create surveys.

  • You can create an unlimited number of surveys.

  • The number of responses does not affect the cost of the service.

  • All data is stored on our servers in Stockholm, Sweden.

Create a survey

To create a survey follow the steps bellow:

  1. Go to “Survey” > “Create survey

  2. Select the template that suits you best

  3. Enter a name for the survey

Once you've chosen a template and written a name, it's time to start:

Customize your survey

Once you have chosen the template that suits you the best, you can customize the look and the questions.

You can add, delete or edit the pre-written questions in the template. You can also add text, image, line, or distance anywhere in the survey.

To start customizing the survey, go to “Design” and adjust the basic settings.

In the Design tab you can change the settings for:

  • Colors for background and content

  • Headings

  • Body text

  • Lines

  • Buttons

A good tip is to use the same colors and fonts that you have on your website. This way, your subscribers can recognize that the survey comes from you.

If you want to add a different color, you can paste the HEX or RGB code for the color in the fields where the example below says "FFFFFF" or "255" "255" "255".

The changes you make in "Design" will change the basic settings for the entire survey. For example, if you want rounder buttons, you can go into the design tab and make all the buttons in your survey round, unless you have previously made changes to a specific button.

When you have finished setting up the basic settings, click on "Build" to get to the view where you can add, delete or edit the questions in the template.

Edit and add questions

In the survey, you can ask questions where the person can:

  • Provide a shorter answer.

  • Provide a longer answer.

  • Select one of the options.

  • Select one or several options.

If you have selected a template with questions, you can see what type of question it is by placing the mouse cursor on the question and on the far left you will see if it is, for example, a question where the person can answer short or long.

To add a new question, select the type of answer you want and then drag and drop the block where you want the question.

To edit a question, click on the question or icon with a pencil. When you edit a question, you can also decide if it should be mandatory and if you want an explanatory text following the question.

To copy a question, click on the orange icon with two squares.

To delete a question, click on the red icon with a trash can.

To move a question, click on the green icon with arrows.

When you feel good about your questions, you can click on "Next step" to:

Customize the thank you page

Once a person has submitted their answers, a 'thank you' page is displayed.

The thank you page build trough sections where you can add content. The columns for the section decides how you can place the content. For example, if you add a section with two columns, you can have two images next to each other. If you add a section with one column, images can be above or below one another.

Everything in the template can be edited, copied, moved or deleted. And all the blocks under "Add content" can be placed anywhere in a section.

When you are satisfied with your questions, you can click on "Next step" to:

Publish and share your survey

You can choose to publish immediately or later.

When you publish the survey, you will get a link that you can use in a newsletter, on social media or wherever you want it to be shared. You can pause the survey if you no longer want people to see it or collect more responses.

As you receive responses, you will see a summary of what everyone has answered and individual responses. The summary is updated as more people respond.

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